The Love Movement is a Wellness Lifestyle Network founded by Sensei Raven Ekundayo providing spaces, services, and entertainment for the “fit misfit”. Through our content we help others heal with fitness and laughter while encouraging them to follow a positive road towards self-fulfillment and overall success.
From Yoga Sessions to Art Showcases, The Healing Space provides a special venue for “fit misfits” to connect and unite together through creativity and wellness. We currently host sessions and related events in Atlanta and Baltimore. Please check out our calendar to find out when our next event is going down.
There’s more than one way to heal. Join Sensei Raven Ekundayo and Brandon Harris-Williams every Tuesday, as they discuss a variety of topics from Love, Spirituality, Sex, Social Issues, Pop Culture and more. This is a safe space; so feel free to just be. Lets Get Healed.

Healing Through Impostor...
This week THS returns as Sensei tackles impostor syndrome. BHW also comes back home to Unpack the season premier of the final season of Insecure. Sensei Says: (0:00) Intro: (1:31)...

4 Years Of Healing (with...
Welcome back Misfit Universe! Your Healing Space family missed you. This month we celebrate 4 years of healing with our guest, Voice Actor, Content Creator and Co-Founder of Mason...

HOSTED BY: SENSEI RAVEN (@ScorpiYogi) & BRANDON (@JustCallMeOtis)
There’s more than one way to heal. Join Sensei Raven Ekundayo and Brandon Harris-Williams every Tuesday, as they discuss a variety of topics from Love, Spirituality, Sex, Social Issues, Pop Culture and more. This is a safe space; so feel free to just be. Lets Get Healed.

Healing Through Impostor...
This week THS returns as Sensei tackles impostor syndrome. BHW also comes back home to Unpack the season premier of the final season of Insecure. Sensei Says: (0:00) Intro: (1:31)...

4 Years Of Healing (with...
Welcome back Misfit Universe! Your Healing Space family missed you. This month we celebrate 4 years of healing with our guest, Voice Actor, Content Creator and Co-Founder of Mason...
Healthy Selfishness

I’ve come to learn that one of the greatest gifts we can receive during our time on this earth, is the gift to be of service to others. I say this in the sense of being able to...
My Body Positive: DeShaun...

I guess for some little boys, our first image of the ideal male body came from the superheroes we saw on Saturday morning cartoons. For me, it was my uncles. I grew up in a family...
My Body Positive: Letrice

My body positivity journey has been an experience in struggle and acceptance. I remember learning about puberty as a young child and reading about the changes my body would go...